And more
The QA team can save your money and streamline the workflow of the software development projects. Well, seemingly everyone in IT knows this… But the fact is that still many of the...
Oct 25· 5 min read
In recent years, one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks has been Vue.js. Companies from various industries make use of this technology to create their own and original...
Oct 08· 5 min read
The architecture created with the use of microservices is one of the most important breakthroughs in recent years in the world of web and software development. The modular...
Oct 01· 4 min read
Creating an order using Shopify API with status set to ‘paid’ might be somewhat a tough and tricky task. Surprisingly, this is not a practical or a trivial issue. In fact, an...
Sep 24· 4 min read
In this post, I'll share some tips, tricks, and tools I use every day in frontend development. So buckle-up, and let’s jump into the vast world of the web!
Sep 17· 5 min read
A while back, I had the pleasure of interviewing Maxime Rouve, the Project Manager at Collectivity. In this post we are going to take a deeper look at how Collectivity, Naturaily’s...
Sep 10· 7 min read