And more
While scouring the internet for an interesting topic for my newest company blog article I overheard a coworker say something that has stopped me in my tracks. The thing that...
Jan 20· 5 min read
The Ruby and Ruby on Rails community has been having a tough time in the past few years, due to evident decrease in interest from companies and developers. More and more startups...
Jan 15· 19 min read
Rails data migration should be performed in accordance with some rules, tips and notes, so that you won’t need ages to finish it. This is all the more important when you are tasked...
Jan 11· 4 min read
So, if you’re here then you are probably wondering where the Vue framework is in 2019. The past year was really good for this, loved by many, framework. With constant updates...
Jan 08· 5 min read
Progressive Web Application (PWA) is a great concept. A website that at the same time acts as a native app gives you several fantastic features: it uses less data, loads instantly...
Jan 04· 10 min read
According to the Stack Overflow Report, JavaScript has been one of the most popular languages for software development for many years, and we predict it’s not going to lose its...
Dec 13· 5 min read