And more
Thinking about using Gatsby? In Jamstack, it’s as typical as using a spoon for eating soups. Static site generators, with Gatsby being one of the examples, are one of the most...
Aug 18· 7 min read
One of the most common questions regarding web development we receive is how to choose a CMS for the website. No wonder – managing the site's contents is now more diverse and...
Aug 16· 8 min read
Get SEOd or die tryin’ – these are words of wisdom if you’re in the eCommerce industry. Good positions in Google give your products bigger chances to find their new owners. But...
Jun 18· 12 min read
Migrating an e-commerce store is often seen as necessary evil; we all know the benefits, but the process itself is the most daunting factor. This is arguably one of the biggest...
May 13· 11 min read
When you say ‘startup’, most people think about California. And while many jump directly to San Francisco, we took a look at San Diego. Startups there spring up like mushrooms, and...
Apr 23· 9 min read
Ever heard of something being lost in translation? This applies to software development, too! Localization isn’t only about translating a bunch of sentences – it’s something more...
Apr 02· 8 min read