Dajemyslowo.com – Modern website with top-notch animations built via Jamstack

Let’s meet Dajemyslowo.com
Dajemy Slowo is a content marketing and copywriting agency offering both Polish and English services. The team, compromising both energetic copywriters and marketing specialists alike, combine their knowledge of effective marketing techniques with creative flair and passion.
Since 2013, Dajemy Slowo has helped customers in a diverse range of fields, from the IT and telecommunications sectors to logistics, finances and medicine. Every client receives unique and impactful communication to best reach their customers, and the means to match!

What the client wanted to achieve
For Dajemy Slowo’s owners, their website is important part of doing business. It attracts
customers and is a vital component of the business funnel.
As such, they wanted to improve a number of key areas.
The most important of these was security and stability. After a previous WordPress
vulnerability, Dajemy Slowo wanted a website that was up to date, stable
and highly secure.
Of course, the performance was equally important. When it comes to both performance
and increasing leads, mobile optimization was a key priority. Dajemy Slowo did their
research and knew that 42% of traffic came from mobile devices,
so a mobile-friendly update would be essential for improving lead conversions.
From a practical point of view, there was also a need to remove reliance
on developers. As a team of content specialists, the ability to edit
content on their own was an essential requirement - all while maintaining the previous
security challenges.
Finally, as a creative agency, Dajemy Slowo’s owners wanted to show they were
up to date with modern trends. A new website means a new design,
and the agency had plenty of ideas on how to best ensure a strong first
impression with potential new clients. Such an opportunity would not be missed.
Dajemyslowo.com needed to establish the agency’s position in a new digital era:
enthusiastic, highly performant and incredibly user-friendly!
What we had to face
Dajemy Slowo’s previous website was built on WordPress in 2013. Naturally identified
this as the biggest risk for the company - the version used had vulnerabilities
that impacted the security of the website.
In this case, it could lead to SEO issues, as Google actively black lists websites
when they develop such issues. So, aside from a drop in performance and an unpleasant
experience for visitors, such a potential risk could lead to a drop in SERP
visibility - and therefore overall exposure to new clients - completely. Such
an issue could not be solved through optimization alone; only a more secure choice
of platform.
Aside from these known vulnerabilities, this also presented some additional challenges for
the agency. Most notably, many parts of the website were ‘hard-coded’ - requiring developer
assistance just to make content-level changes. This meant all marketing activities, from
landing pages to modifying existing parts of the offer, required external help, preventing
the agency from adapting as quickly and freely as they would like.
Finally, we had to tackle the issue of performance. As a team of creatives, Dajemy Slowo
knew they wanted elegant animations and an uncompromising visual treatment for their new website.
This, paired with the drive to perform better on mobile, meant that there were
many factors to consider when it came to even choosing the right technologies.
How we chose the stack and strategy
Naturaily’s first action was a detailed analysis of the situation. Since we know
Dajemy Slowo valued both performance and strong visuals, we readily decided on the
Jamstack approach. This combination of JavaScript, API and Markup meant we were
already in incredibly web-friendly space, which meant both the core priorities of safety
and performance were taken care of - especially on mobile.
In turn, such improved performance meant that we could add animations, using carefully
selected frontend technologies, to add the creative elements without
compromising SEO.

Next, we chose a headless CMS solution to enable Dajemy Slowo’s independence. Sanity was perfect for this - it’s headless nature played into Jamstacks strengths, while its flexibility meant it could be configured exactly to Dajemy Slowo’s needs. It’s user-friendly too, ensuring content changes and edits can be made without any developer support. As a final benefit, it’s compatible with React, which is our frontend technology of choice for projects like this, while its continued official support and plugins means we can rely on it both now and in the future.

To round off the Jamstack approach - and to keep things as cost efficient as possible - we chose Netlify and Gatsby. The former, Netlify, is a content delivery network that deploys directly from a Git repository, but also offers previews. This meant that not only could we view changes before going live, updates were quick and painless, enabling a rapid development cycle.
As the final enabler, we chose Gatsby JS as our Static Site Generator.
A requirement for any Jamstack project, we appreciate Gatsby for its compatibility
with React JS and other popular web technologies, as well as the ability
to load websites around 6 seconds faster than traditional
counterparts. Thanks to preloading, performance and loading speeds (and hence optimization)
were takencare of.
(We won’t talk about the visuals - as you can see for yourself,
we think we did an excellent job!)
Technological stack
Gatsby (SSG): React & GraphQL
Framer motion
Sanity - headless CMS
Naturaily experts involved in the project
Jamstack Developer
Graphic Designer
Animation Director
Project Manager
What we accomplished
Ultimately, Dajemy Slowo’s new website is stable, safer, responsive on all platforms, and highly optimized to deliver the best conversions. Every challenge has been met!
More specifically, because it’s built on Jamstack, Dajemyslowo.com is:
- Safe (it is much more immune to attacks)
- Fast, despite using many animations (page speed insight analysis showed 86 on the desktop and almost 60 on mobile)
- Stable, ensuring high performance
- Modern, with dynamic animations backed by Dajemy Slowo’s own great content, it set’s a new bar for the agency inline with all the latest trends
- User-friendly, in terms of both layout and navigation, improving UX across the board
- SEO-friendly, thanks to faster loading times and easy indexation (pre-rendered Jamstack websites cause no troubles for Google bots)
Dajemyslowo.com in numbers
class animations
structure score
Time to Interactive
to First Contentul Paint (on desktop)
attacks since deployed
CSS Design Awards
Special Design Kudos
Mobile Excellence
Honorable Mention
What our client says
I value the possibility to work with Naturaily mainly because it is real cooperation,
Beata Twardowska
Co-founder of Dajemyslowo.com
that means that the team was honestly listening to us. They understood our needs and expectations, not just from the technical side but also from the visual one (and that’s crucial for us). They were not intimidated by challenges. When we needed to make some important decisions, Naturaily team shared with us their knowledge and experience to help us choose the right solutions. Before we had just dreams but Naturaily made them reality. Thanks to them, we are truly proud of our website, and we want to show it to everyone.

Dajemy Slowo’s case is a prime example of how we deliver Jamstack web development.
Do you also want a fast, safe and modern website?