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Key Benefits of Next.js - When to Use It and What Is It Good For?

Businesses today must keep up with technological demands, and web and app development are crucial. A strong online presence through well-designed apps can boost customer engagement, improve brand loyalty, and make accessing your products and services easier.

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Choosing the right technology for your web project can make a big difference. Next.js, a robust React framework, has become a leading choice for businesses looking to improve their work.

If you're an e-commerce entrepreneur or a decision-maker aiming to optimize your website or web application, understanding the benefits of Next.js is essential. In this article, we'll explore what makes Next.js unique, highlight its key advantages, and determine when it's the best fit for your project.

Whether you're dealing with slow website speeds, managing dynamic content, or trying to improve your search engine visibility, Next.js offers the tools to tackle these issues.

What is Next.js and Why Should Business & Project Owners Care?

Next.js is an extensive React framework (built with JavaScript and TypeScript) for creating web applications, allowing easy development of websites and single-page applications (SPAs).

nextjs logo

Guillermo Rauch, the founder of Vercel, is one of the main creators of Next.js and plays a crucial role in guiding the project's development. Next.js is an open-source project.

But why should you take notice?

Next.js addresses some of the most common pain points faced by businesses in the digital landscape:

  • Slow Website Performance: Sluggish websites frustrate users and discourage potential customers. Next.js optimizes performance with features like server-side rendering and automatic code splitting, ensuring lightning-fast load times that keep visitors engaged.

  • Scalability Challenges: Your website needs to keep up as your business grows. Next.js simplifies scaling with its hybrid rendering model, giving projects the ability to handle increased traffic and content without sacrificing performance.

  • Complex Dynamic Content and SEO: Managing dynamic content, such as product listings or personalized user experiences, can be a headache for SEO. Next.js tackles this with features like built-in incremental static regeneration and static site generation, ensuring your content is always up-to-date and easily discoverable by search engines and crawlers.

nextjs downloads trend in the past 5 years - significant growth in popularity shown

The growth in Next.js downloads over the past 5 years - NPM Trends

In the following sections, we'll dive deeper into how Next.js delivers on these promises and explore its key benefits in detail.

When is Next.js the Right Choice for Your Project?

Next.js is a versatile framework, but its strengths shine in specific scenarios. What is good to know is that Next. js is supported by Fortune 500 companies, including GitHub, Uber, and Netflix.

Several other large and well-known companies from various industries have adopted Next.js, such as Airbnb, GitHub (their website is built on Next.js), Asana, Walmart, Nike, Lush Cosmetics, and Trustpilot.

Let's explore whether it aligns with your project goals!

Should I Use Next.js for E-commerce?

Absolutely! Next.js is an excellent choice for e-commerce platforms. Its rendering strategies allow you to pre-render product pages for faster loading times and better SEO while dynamically updating elements like inventory levels or personalized recommendations.

This combination of speed and flexibility is crucial for delivering a shopping experience that drives conversions.

Next.js's Image Optimization component ensures images are served in the most efficient format and size, which is a huge thing in the eye-first product search.

Is Next.js Worth It for Content-Heavy Websites?

Definitely. Whether you run a blog, news site, or any content-rich platform, Next.js has you covered. Its render options allow you to choose the best approach for each page, balancing the benefits of static generation (speed and SEO) with dynamic rendering (real-time updates).

Coupled with built-in SEO features, Next.js is a top contender for boosting organic traffic and ensuring your content reaches a wider audience.

Can Next.js Benefit My Web Application?

Next.js excels at building web applications, including Single Page Applications (SPAs) and Progressive Web Apps (PWAs). Its React Server Components lets you build highly interactive and dynamic interfaces while optimizing performance through partial pre-rendering.

This means your web app can load quickly and respond instantly to user interactions, creating a smooth and engaging experience.

Why Choose Next.js Over Standard React?

While React is a fantastic library for building user interfaces, Next.js takes it a step further by providing a structured framework and a wealth of features that simplify development and enhance performance.

Next.js handles routing, data fetching, and other essential tasks out of the box, allowing you to focus on building your application's core functionality. 

Its built-in optimization tools and rendering strategies give your project a significant performance boost over a standard React application.

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React.js is one thing. Check out the differences between Next.js and Nuxt.js in our comprehensive comparison article!

Key Advantages of Next.js That Drive Business Growth

Next.js offers a wide range of capabilities that help businesses thrive online. Let's take a look at the specific advantages that make it a popular choice and how they can better your business. 

From improving how easily your website is found on search engines to making development more efficient, Next.js is designed to help your business grow and provide a top-notch online experience for your customers and development teams.

Speed, Performance & Render Strategies - Why It Matters More Than Ever

Slow-loading websites lead to higher bounce rates, frustrated users, and ultimately, lost conversions. Next.js addresses this head-on with its diverse rendering strategies, such as:

  • Server-Side Rendering (SSR): By rendering pages on the server before sending them to the user's browser, SSR significantly reduces the initial page load time. This means your content appears almost instantly, providing a smoother user experience, especially for those with slower connections or on mobile devices.

  • Static Site Generation (SSG): Next.js pre-renders pages at build time, creating static HTML files that can be served quickly and efficiently. This approach is ideal for content-heavy websites where the data doesn't change frequently, resulting in lightning-fast page loads and improved SEO. This functionality can be an alternative to some of the best static site generators in the development world!

  • Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR): This innovative feature allows you to update statically generated pages incrementally, on-demand, or at scheduled intervals. This ensures your content stays fresh without sacrificing the performance benefits of SSG.

  • Client-Side Rendering (CSR): While primarily used for highly interactive elements, CSR can be combined with SSR or SSG to create a hybrid rendering approach that optimizes both initial load times and dynamic updates.

  • React Server Components (RSCs): A new addition to Next.js, RSCs further enhance performance by allowing you to write server-side code within your React components. This reduces the amount of JavaScript sent to the client, resulting in faster rendering and improved user experience. More on that below :)

  • Partial Prerendering: This new functionality aims to optimize the page rendering process by effectively combining content that can be delivered statically with those requiring dynamic generation.

  • On-Demand Pages: Provides flexibility for various use cases where not all pages need to be generated during the project build. Instead, pages are created dynamically during the application's runtime. This approach helps optimize application performance, especially in projects where not all pages are visited with equal frequency.

By intelligently combining these rendering strategies, Next.js lets you create custom websites and applications that are not only fast but also adaptable to your specific content and user experience requirements.

Faster websites have been proven to increase conversion rates, improve search engine rankings, and ultimately drive business growth.

According to Cloudflare and other companies' studies, there is a correlation there e.g. Walmart found that for every 1-second improvement in page load time, conversions increased by 2%!


increase in conversions was linked to every 1-second improvement in page load time by Walmart

By investing in Next.js, you're not just building a website; you're building a high-performance engine for your online success.

SEO Features - How Next.js Can Boost Your Organic Traffic

As we mentioned above, Next.js provides a trifecta of SEO-enhancing rendering strategies that work perfectly for almost all types of websites:

  • Static Generation: Next.js pre-builds pages into static HTML files during development. These files are then served directly to users, resulting in faster load times and better crawlability for search engines. This is particularly beneficial for pages with content that doesn't change frequently, such as product descriptions or blog articles.

  • Dynamic Rendering: For pages with frequently changing data or personalized content, Next.js can dynamically render pages on the server at the moment of request. This ensures your content is always up-to-date while still benefiting from server-side optimizations for SEO.

  • Partial Pre-rendering (Experimental): This innovative feature allows you to combine static and dynamic rendering on the same page. This approach strikes a balance between performance and real-time updates, further strengthening Search Engine Optimization.

Developer Experience - Build Better, Faster, and Scale Easier

Next.js has gained immense popularity among developers (you can see that by looking at the reviews and stars on GitHub) due to its streamlined development experience. Features like hot reloading, automatic code splitting, and a thriving ecosystem of plugins and tools make building and scaling applications faster and more efficient.

The introduction of React Server Components (RSCs) has further improved the developer experience by allowing seamless integration of server-side logic within React components. This simplifies data fetching and processing, leading to more performant and maintainable applications.

There is a wealth of educational materials available for learning and developing with Next, including short tutorials provided by Vercel, providing a quick understanding of the framework's specifics.

Stackoverflow41 750 questions and counting
Downloads6 707 987 and counting
Stars (GitHub)121K and counting


Streamlined Content Management: Deliver Dynamic, User-Friendly Content

Next.js easily integrates with headless Content Management Systems (CMSs), making it easy to manage and deliver dynamic content.

With Next.js server actions, you can securely handle data interactions and streamline the integration process, ensuring your content is always up-to-date and presented in a user-friendly way.

Continuous Improvements & Partnership with Vercel

Next.js benefits from continuous updates and improvements, thanks to its partnership with Vercel. This collaboration ensures stability, rapid implementation of new features, and effective bug fixes. Vercel provides a platform for deploying and hosting Next.js applications, making it easier for developers to manage their projects.

The active involvement of the community and creators ensures Next.js remains reliable and ready for complex web projects. The availability of educational resources, including tutorials from Vercel, further supports developers in mastering the framework. This ongoing support and innovation make Next.js a solid choice for modern web development.


Want to learn more and get insights into headless commerce solutions?

Check out our article and discover the benefits of going headless in online stores!

Next.js Framework Features That Make a Real Difference in Web Development

Next.js offers a range of powerful features that set it apart as a premier framework for web development. These tools not only simplify the development process but also significantly enhance website performance, security, and user experience.

Let's explore some of the standout features that Naturaily's technical experts use in their projects to build high-quality web solutions.

Image Optimization

Next.js simplifies image optimization with its built-in next/image component. It automatically optimizes and delivers images in modern formats like WebP, ensuring fast loading times and reduced bandwidth usage.

The component also handles responsive image resizing and lazy loading, further enhancing performance and user experience.

React Server Components

React Server Components (RSCs) are a feature that enables developers to write server-side code within their React components. This means you can execute data fetching, authentication, and other server-side logic directly within your components, reducing the amount of JavaScript sent to the client.

In addition to enhanced performance, RSCs offer several other benefits:

  • Data Fetching: Server Components allow you to move data fetching to the server, closer to your data source. This can improve performance by reducing the time it takes to fetch data needed for rendering, and the number of requests the client needs to make.

  • Security: Server Components allow you to keep sensitive data and logic on the server, such as tokens and API keys, without the risk of exposing them to the client.

  • Caching: By rendering on the server, the result can be cached and reused on subsequent requests and across users. This can improve performance and reduce cost by reducing the amount of rendering and data fetching done on each request.

  • Bundle Sizes: Server Components allow you to keep large dependencies that previously would impact the client JavaScript bundle size on the server. This is beneficial for users with slower internet or less powerful devices, as the client does not have to download, parse, and execute any JavaScript for Server Components.

  • Initial Page Load and First Contentful Paint (FCP): On the server, we can generate HTML to allow users to view the page immediately, without waiting for the client to download, parse, and execute the JavaScript needed to render the page.

  • Search Engine Optimization and Social Network Shareability: The rendered HTML can be used by search engine bots to index your pages and social network bots to generate social card previews for your pages.

  • Streaming: Server Components allow you to split the rendering work into chunks and stream them to the client as they become ready. This allows the user to see parts of the page earlier without having to wait for the entire page to be rendered on the server.

Server Actions

Server Actions are asynchronous functions that are executed on the server. They can be used in Server and Client Components to handle form submissions and data mutations in Next.js applications.

The advantage of server actions in Next.js is that developers can write code that executes directly on the server. Additionally, this approach provides security benefits when it comes to handling sensitive data.

Speed and Efficiency

Code executed directly on the server can operate more efficiently and quickly, especially when it requires access to server resources, databases, or other external services. Performing certain operations on the server side can reduce response times for users.

Data Security

Processing sensitive data on the server side allows for better control over access to this information. This mitigates the risk of data leaks since the code is not publicly accessible on the client side.

Protection of Business Resources

There are many cases where business logic or operations require access to server resources that should not be exposed to the client. Server actions in Next.js enable the implementation of these operations without revealing critical source elements to the client.

Reduced Client Load

Offloading operations to the server can reduce the amount of work the client has to perform, which is particularly beneficial for high-traffic applications or when client resources are limited.

Access Control

Leveraging server actions allows developers to have precise control over access to functions, which is crucial for application security. The ability to define who can invoke a particular action and under what conditions significantly enhances security measures.

Interested in Server Actions usage examples in Next.js projects? Take a look at the video below!

Use Cases Across Industries - When Is Next.js Worth It?

Next.js is a versatile framework that can be highly beneficial across various industries. Here’s how it can make a difference for your business!


For e-commerce businesses, Next.js offers fast load times and seamless user experiences, which are crucial for reducing bounce rates and improving conversion rates.

Its server-side rendering and static generation capabilities ensure that Next.js e-commerce websites are always up-to-date and perform well under heavy traffic.

The flexibility in managing dynamic content, such as product listings and personalized recommendations, enhances the shopping experience.

Media and Publishing

In the media and publishing industry, where content needs to be updated frequently and delivered quickly, Next.js excels with its incremental static regeneration. This feature allows you to keep your content fresh without compromising performance.

Next.js’s SEO-friendly features help ensure your articles and news updates rank well in search engines, driving more organic traffic to your site.

Finance and Fintech

For finance and fintech companies, security and performance are crucial. Next.js’s ability to handle server-side rendering securely, along with its support for custom middleware, ensures that sensitive data is managed appropriately.

The framework’s flexibility also allows for the integration of complex APIs and real-time data, providing a robust platform for financial applications.

SaaS and B2B

SaaS and B2B platforms benefit from Next.js’s scalability and ease of integration with various third-party services. Whether you are building a complex dashboard or a customer portal, Next.js can handle the dynamic data and user authentication requirements seamlessly.

Its support for server-side rendering and static generation ensures that your application remains fast and responsive, even as your user base grows.

Marketing and Advertising

In marketing and advertising, delivering a fast, interactive, and engaging user experience is critical. Next.js enables you to create landing pages and marketing sites that load quickly and provide excellent SEO benefits.

The framework’s flexibility allows for easy integration with marketing tools and analytics, helping you track and optimize your campaigns effectively.

Conclusion - Why You Should Consider This React Framework

Next.js offers a powerful blend of performance, flexibility, and ease of use that makes it an excellent choice for a wide range of web development projects.

Asking yourself questions like:

  1. How can we improve our website's load time and overall performance?

  2. How can we enhance our website’s SEO to drive more organic traffic?

  3. How can we efficiently manage and scale our web application as our business grows?

Next.js could be a perfect fit for you then!

Its advanced rendering options, a variety of SEO features, and strong developer experience help ensure your web applications are fast, scalable, and easy to maintain.

At Naturaily, we have extensive experience working with Next.js on various projects, from e-commerce sites to complex SaaS applications. Our team of experts can help you leverage Next.js to meet your business goals, providing customized solutions that drive growth and improve user engagement.

Let's talk about Next.js & React.js solutions in your projects!

Contact us and we'll warmly introduce you to the vast world of composable & headless development!