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Why You Should Use Composable Commerce for B2B

Are you struggling to manage complex product catalogs and pricing structures? Finding it challenging to integrate your e-commerce platform with your existing business systems? Or maybe you're watching your development costs skyrocket every time you need to add a new feature? Traditional e-commerce platforms often feel like they're holding B2B operations back. Composable commerce might offer you solutions to these challenges.

What is Composable Architecture

Whether you're a CTO looking to modernize your tech stack, a marketing professional aiming for more personalized B2B customer experiences, or a business owner seeking scalable solutions, composable commerce could be the game-changer you're looking for.

In this article, we'll break down:

  • What composable commerce really means for B2B

  • How it addresses specific B2B e-commerce challenges

  • Why it's compelling for complex B2B operations

  • How to tell if it's the right move for your business

Don't worry if you're not sure yet – we're here to help. Let's take a closer look at composable commerce for B2B.

What Is Composable Commerce and Why Does It Matter for B2B?

Composable commerce lets you build your e-commerce platform using modular components. It's about creating a solution tailored to your specific B2B needs, rather than fitting your business into a pre-built system.

Let's break down the key technical aspects that make composable commerce stand out:

  1. Microservices Architecture: Instead of a monolithic codebase, we're talking about a collection of smaller, specialized services. Each one handles a specific task, like inventory management or order processing. This means you can update or scale individual parts of your system without touching the rest.

  2. API-First Design: Everything in a composable system communicates through APIs. Why does this matter to you? It makes integrating with your existing B2B systems – like your ERP or CRM – much easier. Plus, you're ready to adopt new technologies as they show up.

  3. Headless Commerce: This separates your back-end operations from your front-end presentation. You get the flexibility to create custom interfaces for different channels or customer segments without disrupting your core e-commerce functionality.

  4. Cloud-Native Technologies: Many composable platforms take advantage of cloud services and containerization. For your B2B operations, this translates to better scalability and resource management – crucial when you're dealing with variable loads and high transaction volumes.

You might be wondering how this technical composable architecture benefits your B2B operations. Here's what it means for you:

  • You can choose specialized tools that fit your complex B2B processes, rather than settling for generic solutions.

  • Scaling becomes easier, whether you're expanding your product catalog or entering new markets.

  • You can customize the buying experience for different customer segments without a complete system overhaul.

  • Implementing new features or business models? You can do it faster and with less risk.

Unlike traditional platforms, where significant changes often require extensive development work, composable commerce gives you the advantage of improving quickly: rapidly adapting to market changes.

Still having second thoughts? Here’s some data to make it more clear.

Salesforce's State of Commerce report highlights this critical factor, revealing that only 5% of organizations can implement changes to their e-commerce platforms within minutes, while a staggering 63% require days or longer.

The capability to swiftly update storefronts and launch new experiences without overburdening development resources can be a significant advantage in your team’s workflows.


of organizations can smoothly implement changes to their e-commerce platforms within minutes

Salesforce's State of Commerce Report

How Does Composable Commerce Address B2B-Specific Needs?

Now that we understand composable commerce, let's explore why it's particularly well-suited for B2B operations. 

You might be wondering, "How does this solve my day-to-day challenges?

Well, B2B e-commerce isn't just a scaled-up version of B2C – it comes with its own unique set of requirements and advantages. We covered more in our article on headless commerce for B2B.

What is Composable Architecture

Want more information about composable architecture and its features for scalable projects?

We covered this topic in depth in one of our articles!

Let's explore how composable commerce can help your B2B e-commerce grow, making your life easier and your business more efficient.

Struggling to Integrate with Your Existing Business Systems?

For B2B companies, seamless integration between e-commerce and existing business systems is crucial for efficient operations. Composable commerce offers flexible solutions to these integration challenges.

ERP Integration for Inventory and Order Management

"Our e-commerce platform and ERP don't talk to each other. How can we sync inventory and orders in real time?"

Solution: API-based ERP connectors

  • Create a bidirectional data flow between your e-commerce platform and ERP

  • Sync inventory levels across all sales channels in real-time

  • Automatically update order statuses from placement to fulfillment

Example: An industrial parts distributor integrates their e-commerce platform with their SAP ERP, ensuring that inventory levels are always accurate across their website and physical warehouses and that orders are processed without manual data entry.

CRM Integration for Enhanced Customer Insights

"We have valuable customer data in our CRM. Can we use it to personalize the online buying experience?"

Solution: Headless CRM integration

  • Pull customer data from your CRM to personalize the e-commerce experience

  • Push online behavior and purchase data back to the CRM for a 360-degree customer view

  • Use customer segments from your CRM to tailor product recommendations and pricing

Example: A B2B software company integrates its Salesforce CRM with its e-commerce platform, allowing it to offer personalized product bundles and renewal offers based on each client's usage history and support tickets.

PIM Integration for Streamlined Product Information

"Updating product info across our systems is a nightmare. Is there a way to manage this from one place?"

Solution: Centralized PIM with API connections

  • Manage all product information in a centralized system

  • Distribute updated product data automatically to all sales channels

  • Ensure consistency of product information across e-commerce, print catalogs, and sales materials

Example: A medical equipment supplier uses a centralized PIM system to manage complex product specifications, ensuring that their e-commerce site, printed catalogs, and sales team always have the most up-to-date and accurate product information.

Flexible API Integration for Current and Future Tools

"We're always adding new tools to our tech stack. How can we ensure our e-commerce platform keeps up?"

Solution: API-first architecture

  • Use standardized APIs to connect with a wide range of business tools

  • Easily add or replace integrations without disrupting your core e-commerce functionality

Example: A B2B electronics retailer uses an API-first e-commerce platform to quickly integrate new payment gateways for international expansion, a customer support chatbot for improved service, and an AI-powered search tool for better product discovery.


Want to learn more and get insights into headless commerce solutions?

Check out our article and discover the benefits of going headless in online stores!

Need More Flexibility for Your Unique B2B Requirements?

B2B e-commerce often requires specialized processes that off-the-shelf solutions can't handle. Composable commerce offers the flexibility to create custom solutions tailored to your unique needs.

Customizing Checkout Processes

"Our B2B checkout needs to handle purchase orders and credit limits. Can we customize this process?"

Solution: Modular checkout components

  • Create custom checkout flows for different customer types

  • Implement purchase order systems with approval workflows

  • Set and enforce customer-specific credit limits

Example: A chemical supplier implements a custom checkout process that allows corporate customers to place orders against pre-approved purchase orders, while also enforcing company-specific credit limits and requiring additional approvals for orders exceeding certain thresholds.

Role-Based Access and Permissions

"We need different employees to have different levels of purchasing power. Is this possible?"

Solution: Granular permission management systems

  • Set up role-based access controls for different user types

  • Customize purchasing limits and approval requirements by role

  • Manage permissions for viewing pricing, placing orders, and accessing account information

Example: An office supply company creates a system where office managers can place orders up to $5,000, department heads can approve orders up to $20,000, and only C-level executives can approve orders above that amount, all within the same client account.

Adapting to New Business Models

"We're considering expanding into D2C sales. Can our B2B platform handle this?"

Solution: Flexible, API-driven architecture

  • Quickly add new sales channels or business models

  • Adapt existing processes to new market opportunities

  • Integrate new tools and services as needed

Example: A B2B furniture manufacturer expands into direct-to-consumer sales by adding a new frontend to their existing product catalog and inventory system, with customized pricing and simplified checkout processes for individual buyers.

composable commerce migration diagram

Want to learn more about the process of composable commerce migration and how to do it right?

Check out our article and discover the main steps of migrating to a composable commerce solution!

Want to Provide a Consistent Omnichannel Experience for Your B2B Buyers?

Buyers expect a seamless experience across all channels. Composable commerce enables you to deliver a unified experience that meets these expectations.

Unified Cross-Channel Experience

"Our customers start research online but often complete purchases with sales reps. How can we make this seamless?"

Solution: Headless commerce architecture

  • Deliver consistent content and functionality across web, mobile, and in-person channels

  • Ensure real-time data synchronization across all touchpoints

  • Provide a seamless transition between digital and in-person interactions

Example: A medical equipment supplier implements a system where customers can create wish lists online, which sales reps can then access and convert to orders during in-person meetings, with all pricing and availability information updated in real time.

Real-Time Data Synchronization

"How can we ensure our customers see the same information whether they're online or talking to a sales rep?"

Solution: Centralized data management with API distribution

  • Implement a single source of truth for all customer and product data

  • Use APIs to distribute this data in real time to all channels

  • Ensure consistency of information across all customer touchpoints

Example: A B2B tech company ensures that whether a client checks pricing on the website, asks a question through the support chat, or speaks with a sales rep, they always receive the same, up-to-date information about products, pricing, and their account status.

Integrated Sales Rep Tools

"Our sales team needs better tools that work with our e-commerce platform. What's possible?"

Solution: API-enabled sales applications

  • Develop or integrate mobile apps for sales reps that connect to your e-commerce platform

  • Provide real-time access to customer data, product information, and ordering capabilities

  • Enable sales reps to place orders on behalf of customers seamlessly

Example: A construction materials supplier creates a tablet app for their sales team that allows reps to access customer account information, view real-time inventory levels, place orders, and even showcase 3D models of products, all integrated with their main e-commerce system.

advantages of composable commerce

Discover more about the advantages of composable commerce in modern online stores and how they can help to grow your e-commerce business!

Is Manual Order Processing Eating Up Your Resources?

Manual order processing can be a significant drain on B2B resources. Composable commerce offers automation solutions that can free up your team and improve efficiency.

Automating Repetitive Ordering Processes

"We spend too much time on routine orders. How can we automate this?"

Solution: Order automation workflows

  • Set up automated processes for routine orders

  • Implement rules-based systems for order approval and processing

  • Integrate with inventory and shipping systems for end-to-end automation

Example: A packaging supplier implements an automated system where regular customers' orders for standard items are automatically processed, inventory is reserved, and shipping is arranged without any manual intervention, freeing up the sales team to focus on more complex orders and customer relationships.

Easy Reordering for Frequent Purchases

"Our customers often reorder the same items. Can we make this easier for them?"

Solution: One-click reorder functionality

  • Implement easy reordering from order history

  • Create "favorite" or "frequent purchase" lists for quick ordering

  • Develop intelligent reorder suggestions based on purchase patterns

Example: An office supply company adds a "Reorder" button to each item in a customer's order history, allowing them to quickly add frequently purchased items to their cart and adjust quantities as needed.

Customizable Order Templates

"Each of our customers has unique ordering needs. Can we create custom templates for them?"

Solution: Dynamic order template system

  • Allow the creation of customizable order templates

  • Implement the ability to save and reuse custom configurations

  • Enable sharing of templates across customer organizations

Example: A food service distributor creates a system where restaurants can save their weekly orders as templates, easily adjusting quantities or adding seasonal items before submitting, significantly speeding up the regular ordering process.

Bulk Order Capabilities

"We need to handle large, complex orders efficiently. What solutions are available?"

Solution: Advanced bulk order tools

  • Implement CSV upload functionality for large orders

  • Create intuitive interfaces for building complex, multi-line orders

  • Integrate with customer inventory management systems for automated bulk ordering

Example: An electronic components distributor develops a bulk order system where customers can upload spreadsheets of part numbers and quantities, which are then automatically checked against inventory and customer-specific pricing, with any issues flagged for review.

custom shopify website cover image

Looking for ways to implement a custom Shopify website in a composable way? Check out our comprehensive article about this topic!

Concerned About Scalability as Your Business Grows?

Scalability is crucial for growing B2B businesses. Composable commerce provides the flexibility and power to scale your e-commerce operations efficiently.

Handling Increased Transaction Volumes

"As we grow, can our platform handle higher order volumes without slowing down?"

Solution: Cloud-native, microservices architecture

  • Utilize cloud infrastructure for flexible resource allocation

  • Implement microservices for independent scaling of different system components

  • Use caching and load balancing for improved performance under high loads

Example: A rapidly growing industrial supply company moves to a cloud-based, microservices architecture, allowing them to automatically scale up during peak ordering times (like end-of-quarter) and scale down during slower periods, ensuring consistent performance without overpaying for unused capacity.

Expanding to New Markets or Product Lines

"We're planning to enter new markets. How easily can our platform adapt?"

Solution: Modular, API-first architecture

  • Add new storefronts or product catalogs without rebuilding the entire system

  • Implement localization features for language, currency, and regulations

  • Integrate with local payment gateways and shipping providers easily

Example: A B2B apparel manufacturer expands into the European market by adding new language options, integrating with EU payment systems, and implementing region-specific pricing and tax calculations, all without disrupting their existing North American operations.

Independent Component Scaling

"Different parts of our system have different demands. Can we optimize for this?"

Solution: Independently scalable microservices

  • Scale individual components (e.g., search, checkout) based on specific needs

  • Optimize resource allocation for cost-efficiency

  • Improve overall system resilience by preventing single points of failure

Example: A B2B electronics retailer notices their product search feature is under high demand. They scale up just the search microservice to handle the increased load, without having to scale the entire system, saving costs and maintaining performance.

Future-Proofing for Emerging Technologies

"How can we ensure our platform can adapt to new technologies in the future?"

Solution: Flexible, API-driven architecture

  • Implement a headless architecture to separate frontend and backend concerns

  • Use standardized APIs for easy integration of new technologies

  • Adopt containerization for easier updates and deployments

Example: A B2B software distributor adopts a headless architecture, allowing them to easily add a voice-commerce interface for product browsing and reordering, and later integrate AR product demonstrations, all without major changes to their core e-commerce engine.


Want to check out more information about headless architecture & technology and its benefits?

We covered this topic in depth in one of our articles!

Want to Personalize the B2B Buying Experience?

Personalization can significantly improve the B2B buying experience, leading to increased customer satisfaction and sales.

Tailored Product Recommendations

"Can we suggest products based on each customer's unique needs and history?"

Solution: AI-powered recommendation engine

  • Implement machine learning algorithms to analyze purchase history and behavior

  • Provide personalized product recommendations across all customer touchpoints

  • Continuously refine recommendations based on customer interactions

Example: An industrial equipment supplier uses an AI-powered system to analyze each customer's purchase history, browsing behavior, and industry sector to provide tailored product recommendations, both on their e-commerce site and through targeted email campaigns.

Industry-Specific Content and Offerings

"How can we customize our site for the different industries we serve?"

Solution: Dynamic content management system

  • Create industry-specific landing pages and product collections

  • Implement a rules-based system for displaying relevant content based on customer profiles

  • Offer industry-specific resources, guides, and case studies

Example: A B2B software company dynamically adjusts its website content based on the visitor's industry, showcasing relevant case studies, offering industry-specific product bundles, and highlighting features most valuable to that sector.

Account-Specific Catalogs and Pricing

"Each of our customers has unique products and pricing. Can we show them only what's relevant?"

Solution: Personalized catalog and pricing engine

  • Implement customer-specific product catalogs

  • Apply account-specific pricing and discounts automatically

  • Provide easy access to negotiated terms and contract details

Example: A B2B electronics component distributor creates personalized catalogs for each customer, showing only the products relevant to their industry and projects, with their negotiated prices and volume discounts automatically applied.

Personalized Reorder Suggestions

"How can we help customers reorder efficiently based on their usual patterns?"

Solution: Intelligent reordering system

  • Analyze purchase history to predict reordering needs

  • Provide proactive reorder suggestions based on typical order cycles

  • Implement low-stock alerts for frequently ordered items

Example: A B2B office supply company uses an intelligent system to predict when a customer is likely to need a reorder based on their past purchase frequency, sending timely reminders and making it easy to reorder with a single click.

b2b headless commerce graphic

Did you know headless solutions are perfect for B2B commerce as well?

Check out our article and discover the advantages of going headless in e-commerce!

Struggling with Content Management Across Multiple Channels?

Effective content management is crucial for B2B e-commerce, especially when dealing with complex products and multiple sales channels. Composable commerce offers solutions to streamline your content management processes.

Centralized Content Creation and Management

"How can we ensure consistent content across all our sales channels?"

Solution: Headless CMS with API distribution

  • Implement a central content hub for all product information, marketing materials, and resources

  • Use APIs to distribute content to various channels (web, mobile, print catalogs, sales tools)

  • Enable simultaneous updates across all platforms from a single point

Example: A B2B manufacturing company uses a headless CMS to manage all its product specifications, marketing materials, and technical documentation. When they update a product detail, it's automatically reflected on their website, mobile app, and in their sales reps' presentation tools.

Easy Localization for Global Operations

"We're expanding globally. How can we manage content in multiple languages efficiently?"

Solution: Localization-friendly CMS

  • Implement a system that supports multiple languages and regional variations

  • Enable easy translation workflows and version control

  • Automatically serve region-specific content based on user location or preferences

Example: A global B2B software provider uses a localization-friendly CMS to manage their content in 15 different languages. They can easily create and update content in their primary language, and then send it for translation, with the system automatically publishing the localized versions across all relevant regional sites and platforms.

Flexible Content Delivery with Headless CMS

"We need to deliver our content across various platforms. How can we do this efficiently?"

Solution: API-driven headless CMS

  • Decouple content creation from presentation

  • Use APIs to deliver content to any frontend or device

  • Enable easy creation of new content-driven experiences without backend changes

Example: A B2B equipment manufacturer uses a headless CMS to manage their product information. This allows them to easily display detailed specs on their website, create streamlined product cards for their mobile app, and generate comprehensive PDF catalogs for offline use, all from the same content source.

Rich Media and Detailed Product Information

"Our products are complex. How can we provide comprehensive information without overwhelming customers?"

Solution: Advanced media management and dynamic content presentation

  • Implement robust support for various media types (images, videos, 3D models, CAD files)

  • Create interactive product guides and configurators

  • Use progressive disclosure techniques to present information in digestible formats

Example: An industrial machinery supplier creates interactive 3D models of their products, allowing customers to explore features, customize configurations, and access detailed specifications on demand. This rich media is managed centrally and delivered across their website, mobile app, and sales presentation tools.

Worried About Implementation? Here's How to Get Started With B2B Composable Commerce

Migrating to composable commerce can seem hard, but with the right approach, it can be a smooth and rewarding process. Here are some tips presented as a step-by-step guide to help you get started.

Step 1: Assess Your Current E-commerce Setup

Begin by taking a close look at your existing e-commerce system. Ask yourself:

  • What are the main pain points in your current setup?

  • Which features are working well and should be retained?

  • What new capabilities do you need to stay competitive?

This assessment will help you identify clear goals for your transition to composable commerce.

Step 2: Plan Your Transition

With your goals in mind, start planning your move to a composable architecture.

  • Which components of your system should be prioritized for transition?

  • How will the change impact your customers and internal teams?

  • What timeline is realistic for your business?

Remember, you don't have to change everything at once. A phased approach often works best, allowing you to see benefits quickly while managing risk.

Step 3: Choose the Right Partners and Technologies

Selecting the right technologies and partners is crucial for success. Look for:

  • Technologies that align with your specific B2B needs

  • Platforms with robust APIs and integration capabilities

  • Partners with a strong track record in B2B e-commerce

This is where expert help can be invaluable. Companies like Naturaily, with deep experience in e-commerce development, CMSes, and composable and headless architectures, can guide you in making the best choices for your business.

Step 4: Implement in Phases

A phased implementation approach helps manage complexity and risk. Here's how you might structure it:

  1. Start with a pilot project, perhaps transitioning a single component like your product catalog or checkout process.

  2. Learn from this initial phase and adjust your approach as needed.

  3. Gradually roll out additional components, prioritizing those that will have the biggest impact on your business.

  4. Continuously gather feedback from users and stakeholders to guide further improvements.

Build a Stronger B2B E-Commerce Platform With Composable Solutions!

As we've explored throughout this article, composable commerce offers powerful solutions to the unique challenges faced by B2B e-commerce operations. 

From managing complex catalogs and pricing structures to providing personalized experiences and seamless integrations, composable architecture can transform your digital commerce capabilities.

Transitioning to a composable architecture is a significant undertaking, but you don't have to go it alone. Naturaily's team of experts can guide you through every step of the process.

  • Assessment: We'll help you evaluate your current setup and identify the best opportunities for improvement through composable solutions.

  • Strategy: Our team will work with you to develop a tailored strategy for implementing composable commerce in your B2B operations.

  • Implementation: With our deep expertise in e-commerce development and best headless CMSes, we can handle the technical heavy lifting of your transition.

  • Integration: We'll ensure your new composable system integrates well with your existing business tools and processes.

  • Ongoing Support: Our partnership doesn't end at launch. We'll provide continued support to help you maximize the benefits of your new composable platform.

Take the first step towards a more agile and powerful e-commerce future. Contact Naturaily today to discuss how composable commerce can transform your B2B operations.

Let's talk about headless & composable commerce solutions in your projects!

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