Why Shopify Website Is a Good Choice
In just two years, the number of Shopify merchants grew from 800.000 to 1.75 million. It’s over 100% growth! This may be one of the reasons why you’d want to think about catching the wave and creating an enjoyable and visually appealing Shopify website. There are many others, though, and we’re happily presenting them to you. Enjoy your reading!

Opening a new business in 2021 may feel scary. There are many reasons why it could fail but at the same time, there are even more why you should take this opportunity to succeed. Going online is the most reasonable thing to do and deciding for the Shopify website is our favorite. If you’re here, you already know that we take care of web development. You also know that we focused mainly on Shopify if we talk about e-commerce platforms. But why? Why Shopify website is the right choice for you?
At this point I could give you numbers like over 800.000 users; 20% market share; over 5300 stores using Shopify Plus already, used in 175 different countries, over 100 free themes to choose from, and so on… but sometimes numbers are not everything. Sometimes you need a bit more to be sure that’s a solution right for you. Because it will be you running the business, not all these numbers. So let’s talk about these extra.
Yes, I know: you want to be one and unforgettable in your niche. This is completely understandable. At the same time tho, you want your business to be successful. One of the best things you can do to achieve this goal is to get inspired by others; those who already can call themselves pretty good in what they do. Shopify development services aren't only for beginners. There are plenty of highly experienced business owners who still use these solutions and are happy to do so. Do you like ketchup? Who doesn’t, but even if you despise it, you know what Heinz is for sure. They power their website thanks to Shopify Plus. And this is just one of the many examples.
That’s cool-you think-but what does it mean to you? Well, it definitely means that if Shopify wants to stay one of the bests e-commerce platforms on this planet and keep all these 800,000 customers on board happy, it needs to improve. And it does.
It also means that all these users have tested already many possible ways how to run the Shopify website in the most efficient way, and you can learn from them.
It’s also enough popular to encourage people to learn Liquid and to find the best web development solutions for stores basing on this platform. That gives you a choice when it comes to hiring some Shopify experts.
You want to grow fast, and I truly believe that you will. This means that someday, probably very soon, you will need to find a way of making your job easier. In the beginning, you can manage most of the responsibilities by yourself and consider them as not so hard. However, after some time you will need to make a choice: hire someone to do the job for you or automatize some tasks.
Integrations are the answer you’re looking for. Starting from deliveries, through multi-channel distribution up to using your favorite ERP this is the way to make your life much easier. Your Shopify website will be easier to manage, better for its users, and more profitable for you.
Does it mean that other e-commerce platforms don’t let you implementing some integrations? No. However, the first point - popularity - makes the web developers interested in it; you will have more chances to find the proper team for the job, with real experience included.
Who said that you have to invent your own product to open an online shop? Who said that you have to arrange a place to store it and worry about more space in the future? Maybe some e-commerce gurus, but I would not believe in everything they say if I were you.
Dropshipping is still alive, still hot, and still let you earn a lot of money if you do it right. Your Shopify website will be perfect for this model. Not just because of the possibility to integrate with Oberlo but also because most of the successful people in this field are using it. Yes, it is connected to popularity as well, and it gives you a chance to learn from others. Remember to listen advices from people who already have succeeded in the field which is interesting for you, not those who decided one day to become gurus without any real experience (I’ve mentioned above).
For example, we have succeeded many times in implementing integrations for online shops, and this dude has opened many dropshipping businesses basing on the Shopify website.
But choosing the best business model it’s not all. Deciding on the proper development solutions is the other hand. If you want to deliver better experiences to your customers you can think for example about PWA/storefront technology in your Shopify store. It will guarantee your users great performance on their mobile devices, page speed will increase, and it will be more friendly for SEO.
Because of the Integrations and thanks to Shopify experts, you can also create plenty of awesome customizations; there are many ways to do it. As you can see, it all works together.
You know that one of the keys to success is being different from others. However, you can’t deny that getting some inspiration from others is also important. How to be different if you don’t know anything about the competition? Also, some generic ideas taken from others may grow into your own, exclusive solution.
The greatest painters have always been going for others’ exhibitions, great musicians listen to others’ music and great business owners take a closer look at others’ businesses. So don’t hesitate to do the same. Explore, check by yourself and get the best from all these awesome Shopify websites.
Here you can find the most exceptional stores according to Shopify experts. And when you feel this amazing touch of inspiration, let us know. We will do everything to deliver you the website you’ve been dreaming about.
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