10 Reasons Why You Should Hire a Software House from Poland
Whether you’re a part of a Start-Up or a grown up company, when your product needs a software solution, you’ll most likely need to make a decision on where to build it. You have three obvious choices: building it in-house, hiring a software house or co-sourcing part of the work. We’ve compiled a list of 10 reasons why hiring a software house (and a one from Poland) is a great option.

Whether you’re a part of a Start-Up or a grown up company, when your product needs a software solution, you’ll most likely need to make a decision on where to build it. You have three obvious choices: building it in-house, hiring a software house or co-sourcing part of the work. We’ve compiled a list of 10 reasons why hiring a software house (and a one from Poland) is a great option.
Why hire a software house
By partnering with a full-service software development company, you are essentially handing over all of your technological requirements to one team that can design, create, and implement a complete software solution. Check out the list below for why you should hire a software house (and a Polish one at that!):
Cost saving
Surprisingly, hiring an outside software house to develop your software can cut costs while reducing your workload. Performing the same job in-house in Europe or North America may cost you up to 30% more. Another key advantage is the fact that software houses have their own UI/UX designers, QA testers and a range of other specialists. This means that the team working on your project can get a tester or designer to work on your product for as long or short as they need them. If you were to hire those people in-house you might end up only needing them for a short period of time and having to let them go or have them sitting and waiting unproductively. Whereas at the software house they can work on multiple projects, grow professionally and get valuable experience on other projects at the same time.
Time saving
Software house developers have experience in working on diverse projects, they can seek advice from their senior colleagues and work efficiently on developing your project. This means a shorter time-to-market delivery, and so it gives you an obvious advantage and an upper hand over your competitors.
Expertise, strategy, flexibility, agile
Having your software developed by a software house means effective planning, flexible development processes and accountability. Having a focused strategy can be one of the most competitive advantages you can get. It’s the difference between a hit and a miss product. The know-how offered by a team working from a software house is usually invaluable to the success of the project. It is especially handy when it comes to verifying the use case, preparing architecture, scheduling and picking the best technological stack. Bespoke software solutions must scale and adapt as the client’s business grows and their product needs evolve. During the development process you often find that you need to request incremental changes and so you need a flexible team that is prepared to implement them in a timely manner. Software developers work according to the agile methodology and understand that only true cooperation will result in working software that will satisfy the client’s needs.
Technological advantages
A team experienced in working on a wide variety of projects and collaborating with clients in diverse industries is usually more competent in choosing the right technological stack for your specific project. They have access to newest technology, the know-how of what works best, and the possibility to quickly adapt. This in turn means your software will be developed thoroughly, using the best suited technology, as quickly as possible, will be easily scalable and maintainable.
Risk management
If you commission software from an outside company, rather than developing it in-house, the software house is responsible for delivering the product in a specified time and for a set amount of money. Every step of the development process is regulated in the contract, which in turn reduces the risk of faulty software and/or time delays (under the threat of penalty).

Why a software house from Poland
Some of the best coders in the world are Polish
Eastern Europe provides five of the top 20 countries listed in AT Kearney’s 2018 Global Services Location Index and it’s becoming one of the most attractive regions for companies that want to hire an outside software house. Poland, that ranks 10th in the Global Services Location Index and also in Tholons Top Outsourcing Destinations for 2016, is becoming the obvious choice when it comes to finding a software house. The facts speak for themselves – Polish developers receive high notes in foreign contests related to programming, such as Google Code Jam, Microsoft Imagine Cup, Central Europe Regional Contest or ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest. They are currently ranked 4th in the world in the Top Coder ranking, and 3rd at Hackerrank.
Lower costs of development
To put it simply - Polish developers are among the best in the world, while the average wage in Poland 752 EUR is almost three times lower than in the UK 2102 EUR. By hiring a software house from Poland you get a product of outstanding quality while paying less. Because of these differences, a software solution, prepared within a specific time-frame, will cost a lot less in case of hiring a Polish software house, when compared to collaboration with the majority of other software suppliers from Europe or North America.

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Little to no language or cultural barriers
If you're in an active search for software development companies, you've probably stumbled upon a lot of companies from distant countries such as India or China. Opting for developers from these destinations may result in experiencing a significant cultural gap, especially if you are from the US or Europe. In the Polish software development sector, knowledge of English language is obligatory so you don't have to worry about communication problems. Poland has achieved one of the highest scores in the global EF ranking proving that we know English very well.
Acceptable time difference
Poland is located in the heart of Europe meaning that the timezone here is similar to other European countries. If you're living in one of these fine lands you shouldn't be worried about possible time differences - they're neglectable. Everyday we are working with people from near and far, we've learnt how to achieve great cooperation, even if our client operates on the other side of the globe.
Poland has been a member of the European Union, for way over a decade now, which means that the way Polish companies operate has been adjusted to the EU’s laws and regulations. Polish software houses need to respect the principles of the European Community legal system and therefore you don’t have to worry about dodgy and unlawful practices.
Hopefully, after reading this post your mind got a bit clearer, when it comes to choosing a way of developing your software. Whether you’re looking to develop a fully fledged application, IoT solution or an MVP, it’s always good to know all of the available options.
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